Friday, November 14, 2008

It Has Come To My Attention...

...that there isn't enough opinion of the witty, intelligent variety on the web...

and since I am not normally one who is givin to withholding my views from anyone, (just ask my friends and family), I have decided to grace the internet with my services, i.e. in the form of opinions, musings, observations, rants, etc.

I feel that in the general cacaphony that is the public discourse in this wilderness that is the web my voice is sorely needed, and so I launch this blog which will cover a wide range of topics and issues from the earth-shattering to the mundane, the sacred to the profane, the banal to the bizarre.

I find that in my minimal amount of free time away from my work and family, I tend to find myself ruminating on a wide variety of seemingly non-connected subjects, although I am sure a detailed analysis of the subject matter would find a connective thread that runs from point to point between these seemingly disparate items.

So join me in this quest of bringing chaos to heel, and rasing the bar for the internet in general.


1 comment:

CaptainOT said...

Dipping your infected toe into the blog pool, eh? Heaven help us all.

Good luck, my friend. And send me my money.
