Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Taylor has quite the 19th birthday!

Every other birthday in this kids life will suck in comparison...have a great life Taylor.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sometimes Justice is served red hot!

Insurgent firing on either coallition forces in Iraq, or Hamas firing on Isralie targets...regardless...Allahu Ak-BOOM!


It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...the quick and easy way!

I so want a couple of these!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


More musings on this after I have mulled over my first reactions to this.

My Favorite Version...

Ah, Christmas... one of my least favorite times of the year. NOT because I hate Christmas, but rather with the occupations I have in the theatre, I usually spend most of my December trying to make other people's holidays merry by running multiple shows at the venues I oversee. But this year is different, the Deadly X-mas Tree has come and gone, There is no other events scheduled at that venue for the rest of December so I can safely put aside that theater till January 2010, And more importantly I am collaborating on a X-mas project with my best friend. It has been a struggle at times, but I wouldn't trade the experience and the friendship with him for anything in the world. I am proud of what we have built together and look forward to every performance we have left.

That, and It gives me a reason to put this little ditty back up...lol

Well...I for one am creeped out!

Is it just me or does this gentleman seem a bit TOO enthused about this?...i.e. CRAZY?

oh well, I guess you have to be a bit crazy to want to be int he insurance business.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lost Eurythmics

Its time once again for this months installment of Hidden Gems From Eurythmics.

The first caused quite a stir back in the day and was even pulled off of MTV for its in your face Anti-Americanism. Guess MTV never heard of biting satire? Brilliant song and brilliant video.

This next is the video that started my obsession with Annie. I fell in love watching this video with her wearing the blond wig back in 1982 and haven't stopped since....god those eyes!!!

And finally...although this is undoubtably Eurythmics most recognizable song, this video version of it is relatively unknown in comparison to what is quaintly called the cow video...enjoy.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thank God For Saturday Morning Cartoons

For any fan of The Watchmen and "Old School" saturday morning cartoons circa 1973-1985 this just will tickle you raw. If this is REAL and not just a gag...somebody better SHOOT me!

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

And a video clip is worth a million...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Toga! Toga! Toga!

So I guess the Romans had it right all along.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Album covers of the week

Ah, the fine art of the 33/rpm album cover...we miss you so!

Ummmm...I count five...unless this is one of those cults where the woman doesn't count for anything.

And My lawyer is SOOOOOO happy!

She's a Super freak, super freak....

I so need to photoshop a pistol lying on the bench next to this guy...it would make the image so much more complete. Also, is it just me or does the chick seem to be thinking..."and his dick is bigger and he makes more money"

And my personal favorite for sheer "coolness"!

Photos of the week...

These are shots that I have discovered online in the past week or so.
Copyrights, if any are held by their respective owners and these are posted for review and comment purposes only...on with the show

Nothing like a little mid-twentieth century sexism...

"Hey honey, whats this little trigger thingy do again?" BOOM!

Let the whole family in on the fun of the George Lucas Merchandising Machine!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

This had many layers of meaning for me!

That and I laughed my ass off....

100 Movies, 100 great lines, 100 number countdown

I wish I had this much time to figure out stuff like this.....BRILLIANT!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Two of Annie's most hauntingly beautiful songs!

The First is from Francis Ford Coppola's Movie - Bram Stoker's Dracula.
The Second is from her debute solo album from 1992 (lordy I'm getting old) DIVA.

Watch her character expression and her eyes.....Sigh......She is almost as beautiful as my wife!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

by Aaron Muszalski on March 25, 2009 from Laughingsquid.com

The Original Inspiration For Batman’s Joker, German Actor Conrad Veidt

While there’s an ongoing debate over who actually created the character of Batman’s iconic nemesis The Joker (comic book artist Bob Kane, writer Bill Finger and artist Jerry Robinson have all variously claimed the idea) one aspect of his origin seems to be relatively free from dispute: that the creators drew their visual inspiration from German actor Conrad Veidt’s portrayal of the character Gwynplaine in the 1928 film The Man Who Laughs. An adaptation of a Victor Hugo novel, the film was directed by German expressionist filmmaker Paul Leni, with Veidt in the title role.

A well-known film actor with a long career, Veidt also appeared as Cesare the somnambulist in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Grand Vizier Jaffar in The Thief of Bagdad, and as Major Heinrich Strasser in Casablanca. The latter role being especially notable as Veidt himself was a fervent anti-Nazi, who emigrated from Germany to England in 1933, one week after marrying Illona Prager, a Jewish woman. Veidt also played what is likely the first homosexual character written for the screen, in Richard Oswald’s pioneering gay rights film, Anders als die Andern (”Different From The Others”).

Veidt died of a heart attack in 1943 while playing golf in Los Angeles.

The Joker died of a drug overdose and won an oscar.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


And to celebrate...some classic Eurythmics

Monday, February 2, 2009

This Week On WTF Theater!...

I do not have the technical skills to do what I think would improve this...just imagine the music from Ernie Kovacs' Nirobi Trio while this video plays...

THe Exploding Banana Mask - Watch more free videos

And here I thought she was just annoying...

This little missive is from the Hon. James David Manning, PhD, pastor of the ATLAH World Missionary Church located in ATLAH, New York. He seems to find some disturbing trends in Miss Winfrey's behavior...website here... http://atlah.org/

Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

A "lost" gem from a legendary lady..

Eartha Kitt - January 27th, 1927 - December 25th, 2008
She will be missed!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

On with WTF Theater!...

Now for something pointles, bizzare and I am sure some would say even slightly disurbing...

We could comment about the bikini, her VERY buff six-pack, the fact she is wearing shades indoors...and on and on...but I just like to groove to that drum line!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One of the most powerful versions of Amazing Grace I have heard.

Sung by Dr. Wintley Phipps of the Palm Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church in Palm Bay, Florida, at the prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington DC this morning.

Now, I don't consider myself a believer in the truest sense of the word. I suscribe to no one creed or faith structure and do not feel the need for a personal god that is interested in the day to day activities of we humans...but I do appreciate that others do, and I DO know the power of music and Dr. Phipp's baritone combined with this wonderful melody moves the soul, chakra, psyche, spirit, chi...etc.

And Now For War On The War Reporters...

Poor Joe...or rather Sam...He must be really upset that his 15 minutes of fame were up about 15,000 minutes ago. And since he isn't a real (i.e. licensed) plumber, I guess he felt he could be a real unlicensed journalist.

That's One Way To Shoe Him The Door...

From The HuffingtonPost.com on Jan 19, 2009

Ryan Grim - Reporting for the Huffington Post

Bush Protest: Shoes Thrown At White House

President Bush was given an Iraqi-journalist-style sendoff on his last full day in office Monday, as tourists and demonstrators lobbed shoes, pumps, boots, sandals and Crocs from Pennsylvania Avenue onto the White House lawn.
Before launching the operation live, the shoe-chuckers took target practice in Dupont Circle on a 20-foot-tall blow up doll of the outgoing president, decked out in the flight suit he wore aboard the "Mission Accomplished" aircraft carrier

Unlike Muntazer al-Zaidi, the Iraqi reporter who inspired the protest, none of the shoe-throwers in the group were arrested. (Later that day, reports NBC, one man was arrested for chucking a shoe at the White House.)
Marching down Connecticut Avenue with handfuls of footwear, the group of about a hundred was on the receiving end of enthusiastic honks, thumbs-up and waves from people in the street.
The reception was almost as warm from the people guarding the White House.
"Don't hit me!" one officer behind the White House fence joked as shoes rained around him.
Tracey Primavera, a shoe-lobber from Provincetown, Massachusetts, shouted at the guard that she had a pump that would look nice on him. "I tried that. It didn't look good on me," yelled back the officer. Primavera tossed him the pump anyway.
Tourists on Pennsylvania Avenue picked up shoes and lobbed them at the White House as well. "A lot of random people joined in," noted one organizer, David Swanson. "Everybody wanted to be photographed with an "Arrest Bush" sign.
The tourists also joined a spontaneous chorus that formed. On the night of the election, thousands of people swarmed the White House and sang the old sports classic, "Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye." The song made a reappearance Monday, as did a number of tunes apparently written for the occasion, with lyrics such as "Hang down your head, George Bush/Hang down your head in shame," and "Take him to the Hague" -- the latter sung to the tune of "Working on the Railroad."
The target practice on the giant Bush doll began around 11:00 in the morning and was still going five hours later, as thousands of people walking through the circle stopped to pick up a shoe and wing it at the outgoing president. Some threw fastballs like al-Zaidi. Others tied several together in an attempt to land them on Bush's long Pinocchio-esque nose. Children took part. ("Okay. One more shoe, kids," said one parent.) Some folks simply walked up to the doll and kicked it in the shins. It fell over at one point and people rushed it, beating it with shoes.

Still others, like al-Zaidi, missed.
"Ah! I missed!" yelled Sharon Kerr, in town from Austin, Texas, after chucking wide of her presidential mark. She said that she felt a little like the Iraqi reporter for missing. But she noted in his defense, "He had people blocking him."
Kerr began to leave the circle but stopped. "I'm gonna go one more time. I'm gonna nail him this time," she said before winding up and striking him cleanly in the belt.
Cheryl Upshaw, in from Atlanta and sporting a full-length fur coat, hit the Bush doll high on the shoulder. "I was really trying to aim for his heart," said Upshaw, a registered nurse who owns a home healthcare agency. The throw was cathartic, she said, and it seemed to relieve some of her anger.
"It's not that I hate him," she clarified. "I don't hate him personally. I hate what he has done to this country."
Medea Benjamin, a cofounder of the antiwar group CODEPINK, said the protest was a way to "get the Bush era out of your intestines."
"I was a little reluctant because I want to be in a positive mood," she said. "I don't want to be seen as doing something violent. The shoe-throwing is borderline, but the intent is to insult, not to hurt. There's a fine line."
Once all the shoes had been tossed onto the White House lawn, the officers collected them and piled them into the back of a small truck. "The next person who throws them gets arrested," said one, though the entire pile had already been thrown.
As the protesters headed back toward Dupont Circle, a Secret Service agent left them with a parting observation.
"You all won," he said.
(Photo credit: James Sappington)